Have you got a cyber security plan?

Have you got a cyber security plan?

        Security is about much more than the safety of physical assets; online security is critical to staying in business. And with the amount of cyber crime increasing, it’s no longer a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’.

Security is about much more than the safety of physical assets; online security is critical to staying in business.  And with the amount of cyber crime increasing, it’s no longer a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’.

Cyber security is the protection of digital assets from compromise, theft or loss.  Put simply it aims to minimise your risk of operating online.  And all organisations are vulnerable to attack, irrespective of their size, or how much of the business is carried out online.  Cyber risks can arise from internal as well as external sources. 

Internally, staff can play a part in breaches to cyber security, either accidentally; due to insufficient knowledge and training, or negligently; when they don’t follow correct procedures.  In some cases, breaches can even occur due to the malicious actions of a staff member.  

Externally, organisations could be targeted with one of the following attacks:

  • Phishing – scam emails or messages, aimed at obtaining financial details
  • Denial of Service (DoS) – flooding bogus requests to crash machines, networks or software
  • Malware – any malicious software including viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware or adware
  • Ransomware – files or networks held hostage in exchange for the payment of a ‘ransom’

To protect your business, consider:
1. Leadership – take control of your cyber security, understand the risks to your business, evaluate your vulnerabilities and reassess your priorities regularly
2. Culture – create a workplace culture of cyber security awareness.  Provide regular updates and training to staff, ensuring they are across what cyber security is and how they can contribute to the safety of the business.
3. Implementation – ensure you employ a full range of safeguards across your organisation.  Anti-virus software is important, but it is just one piece of the puzzle.  Look to implementing back-up procedures, email filtering, consistent software updates and more. 

Contact our Security Risk Management Consultants for help with your risk assessment.
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