Top tips to protect your business over Christmas

Top tips to protect your business over Christmas

        With the end of the year rapidly approaching, now is the time to think about how you can keep your business secure and protected over the Christmas holiday period.

It’s that time of year again!

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, now is the time to think about how you can keep your business secure and protected over the Christmas holiday period.

Make an assessment
It is important to assess your worksite to identify the risks over an extended holiday period. Look for the obvious, like items that may be stolen or property that may be vandalised. And also look for the not so obvious; is your site at risk from flooding or fire? Once you identify the risks, you can make detailed plans to minimise them.

Reinforce staff safety
They don’t call it the silly season for nothing. Stress, exhaustion and intoxication are all major risks when it comes to the safety of your staff over the Christmas holiday period. To keep your staff safe, reinforce on the job safety protocols, be on the lookout for dangerous behaviour and remind staff of their duties and obligations at work social events.

Take stock
Now is the time to plan your stock intake. If you are preparing for an extended shut down period over Christmas it may be prudent to minimise the amount of stock you have on hand. This will make you a less attractive target to potential thieves.

Consider additional security
A deserted worksite can appear to be an easy target. Engaging a security guard to make daily patrols during the holiday period can minimise the threat of theft or vandalism while your employees are off site.

Take the stress out of keeping your business secure over the Christmas holidays. Give Jones XL a call for a risk assessment consultation or to discuss your security needs.

For further information please Call 1300 566 379 or Email
Protect your business and staff today.
