Workplace violence and aggression is on the rise.

Workplace violence and aggression is on the rise.

        In a recent poll, the National Retailers Association (NRA) found that 88 per cent of retail workers experienced abuse from customers.

In a recent poll, the National Retailers Association (NRA) found that 88 percent of retail workers experienced abuse from customers.

Even more worrying, altercations involving a weapon are up 71 percent, and incidents involving physical abuse have increased 56 percent.

Retail staff at six major department stores across Australia have started wearing body cameras in a bid to deter and reduce threatening and abusive behaviour from customers.

Staff in retail and hospitality are not the only industry sector hit by a surge in aggressive customers.

A new national research report released by MRI Software reveals 60 percent of property managers in Australia rate dealing with aggressive and abusive landlords and tenants as the biggest challenge of their job.

WHS laws require employers to take care of the health and safety of their workers and are taking urgent action to keep their staff, contractors, volunteers, clients, customers and visitors to the workplace, safe.

What do you need to do under WHS laws?

  • identify how, where and when abuse might happen
  • apply control measures to prevent abuse from happening, and have processes to address it if it does happen, and
  • check your control measures are working and if there is more you can do.

Our Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Consulting Team have decades of experience and expertise to advise and deliver comprehensive and complaint workplace health and safety plans that are designed to save you time and money.

For further information please Call 1300 566 379.
